University Student:

  • Benefits:

    • 100% subsidy of the learning cost.
    • Recognition certificate and EGP 1Ksuccessful-completion incentive.
    • Innovation competitions participation.
    • Career fairs attendance.

  • Criteria:

    • Egyptian.
    • High-education student in ICT/Electronics specialization and graduating this or next year.
    • Commit to a minimum of 2-day-per-month attendance of study groups.

  • Required Documents:

    • Copy of the front and back sides of the national ID.
    • Letter of Commitment (LoC) to pay the track fees in case of unsuccessful completion.
    • Stamped enrollment letter from the University student affairs stating the enrollment year with the last year's Grade.

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Building B5, Cairo-Alexandria Desert Road, Smart Village, Giza, Egypt

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Our Partners

NTRA white Logo. The National Telecom Regulatory Authority collaborates with the Next Technology Leaders, NTL.
ITI white Logo. The Information Technology Institute is a partner to the Next Technology Leaders, NTL.
NTI white Logo. The National Telecommunication Institute is a part of the NTL learning initiative.
SCU white Logo. The Egyptian Supreme Council of Universities takes part in the Next Technology Leaders, NTL initiative.
SECC white Logo. The Software Engineering Competence Center pairs up with ITIDA and TIEC in the NTL learning initiative.
UNDP white Logo. The United Nations Development Programme is a partner in the Next Technology Leaders initiative.
Talents Arena white Logo. Talents Arena is one of the career partners in the Next Technology Leaders initiative.

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